Monday, April 30, 2012

From Downers to Uppers

"Finally sisters and brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things (Philippians 4:8)."

Ironically, this passage is found in a chapter I am reading on the subject, "Transformation to Holiness." Basically the ide
a is that if you want to become a gentle, joyous, peaceful, powerful, loving, faithful, kind, generous, forgiving, disciplined person, you must refocus. God asks us to stop feeding ourselves on a diet of negativity, grief, frustration, hopelessness and anger.

The question is, "How do we do this in such a world as ours?" Hasn't the academy taught us that the only happy people are ignorant ones--you remember--"Ignorance is bliss." How do we as conscious people committed to the human and societal transformation not become overwhelmed with the pain all around us, created by us and others on a continual basis. The answer may seem simplistic but it was the formula given to the first Christian community, and since the church continues 2012 years later it may have some merit.

Focus on what is true, that is to say, tried and tested by your experience. Focus on what has honor in life, the right, the pure, the lovely, good reputations, excellent behavior, creativity, effort, what should be praised and lauded, spend more time doing that than complaining about the downside, the dark side and the loss and loser headlines. Dwell on this stuff, and your perspective, your personality, your character, your demeanor, and your prayer life will change from a "downer" to an "upper."

Peace - out!

Monday, April 16, 2012

How Do You Answer?

Some of the Pharisees asked Jesus, "When will the kingdom of God come?" Jesus answered, "God's kingdom is coming, but not in a way that you will be able to see with your eyes. People will not say, 'Look, here it is!’ or, 'There it is!' because God's kingdom is within you (Luke 17:20-21)."

In 1937, the Federal Council of Churches (now known as the National Coun
cil of Churches) recommended that the entire part of the Christian calendar between Pentecost and Advent be named “Kingdomtide.” The liturgy for Kingdomtide stressed charity and assistance to the poor, certainly worthy themes and foci of both the Hebrew Bible and expanded Christian Bible. What could be wrong with these emphases?

The problem is that notwithstanding Jesus’ words to the Pharisees regarding the kingdom of God, this great church body (referred to by some back then as the “Protestant Vatican”) decided that they could transform the USA into the kingdom of God as understood by the proponents of the “Social Gospel Movement.”

In the Genesis story of creation and the fall, God created the human beings by breathing His life (spirit) into cosmic dust. A living person was created in God’s image and likeness (spirit). The first living spirit on earth was told, “You may eat of the fruit of any tree in the garden (which included a tree called “life”) but you must not eat of the fruit of the tree called “knowledge.” Eat of that tree and you will certainly die (Genesis 2:ff).”

We are impatient with Jesus’ idea of the kingdom. Notwithstanding the story in Genesis, we believe that we know enough to approximate what God had in mind for the earth. We continue to embrace “what we think we know, what we feel, what we see, and what we experience” over and against “God’s Word.” Why are we so afraid to accept Jesus’ teaching that the kingdom must first be in us, transforming our spirits so that our souls can be rebirthed, reformed, rescued and reshaped into the image of God?

Who ever told us that we should abandon the prayer, “Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven?” and seek to accomplish the same using our own imaginations and egos and self-centered dominated consciousnesses? (In earlier centuries “the Church” used genocide, burnings at the stake, pogroms, inquisitions and wars to bring about its kingdom on earth).

Jesus reminds us, “The kingdom is coming in a manner not subject to empirical evidence, yet it is here already for those who are willing to see.” You don’t have to wait for it, search for it, research it or travel to find it. LOOK WITHIN. Meet me in the recesses of your heart.” You are the temple of God. You are the place that God seeks to dwell and to prepare humanity for the new world.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Are Black Americans Social Conservatives?

"God presides in the great assembly; he gives judgment among the 'gods'; How long will you defend the unjust and show partiality to the wicked? Defend the cause of the weak and fatherless; maintain the rights of the poor and the oppressed. Rescue the weak and needy; deliver them from the hand of the wicked (Psalm 82:1-8)."

An important
question as we face the new elections: "Why do so many Asians, Blacks, Latinos, poor whites (Tea Party variety), recent immigrants, etc. embrace the conservative social agenda when their groups suffer the most from it?”

It is very true that a great division exists in the Christian Churches of America. There are those churches that represent the so-called "mainline" majority. These fervently believe in what they call the "progressive agenda" and social justice, as long as it is "comfortable" i. e., does not jeopardize its place in and the place of its constituents as beneficiaries and itself as a primary institution of racial capitalism and white supremacy.

On the other side, contrary to pronouncements of university and seminary professors, the conservative-evangelical church movement (and older fundamentalist movement) did not die with the Scopes trial or with the late William Jennings Bryan. They have made a remarkable comeback. While many such groups began as conservative caucuses and schisms from mainline Protestant (Heritage Foundation, the Institute for Religion and Democracy-IRD) and Roman Catholic denominations (EWTN) and religious orders, they have connections to the largest and fastest growing religious groups in America.

Their command of the Internet, Television and Radio is unparalleled. They have left the National and World Council of Churches "reeling on the ropes." They don't really care if United Methodists, Disciples, Presbyterians, Lutherans, Christian Science, Protestant Episcopalians, Unitarian Universalists, Roman Catholics, Reform Jews and Sunni Muslims adopt progressive legislation and liberalize their rules, because they know they eclipsed these groups numerically more than 25 years ago.

The Maranatha Fellowships, Faith Centers, Bible Centers, etc include attendance numbers in the thousands compared to the faithful average attendance of 45-60 in most mainline churches. Their fellowships and centers and churches are filled with youth and young adults while mainline churches are having multiple funerals and mass defections of youth and young adults. They know that churches whose center is "human beings" don't fly because human beings fail themselves and each other most of the time.

The worship of human beings is a dull runner up to the awe and majesty of the almighty sovereign God and his Christ or his prophet. Sadly, because most of the pastors who lead these churches are trained in reactionary fundamentalist Bible colleges and seminaries with explicit right-wing agendas, they actively promote the same to their congregations.

These schools seem to have exchanged the truth of God for American patriotism and have exchanged the powerful biblical critique against all principalities and powers of this world for a conservative, even reactionary social agenda that has little resemblance to anything in the Bible or the Koran. Yet because this camp gives "lip service" to the orthodox faith, many in the margins who would not do so otherwise, follow them and too often accept their right-wing social agenda uncritically.

People in the margins are suspicious of "social progressives" (SPs) and liberals. First there is the issue of paternalism. Because many SPs tend to be better educated than their conservative counterparts, that is to say have had the privilege of attending the private schools and universities and divinity schools where they can focus on the ideas of their peers and their antecedents without having to worry about training for "a good job" or "a secure position" or getting a business venture financed, they tend to be more idealistic, utopian and to ignore the bread and butter issues that affect the working poor.

A good case in point is the recent decision by the California Supreme Court to allow employees to decide whether or not they will take a lunch break. While labor laws suggest that an employee take a lunch break after 4.5 hours of work, the justices decided that it is an abridgment of freedom to force workers to take a lunch break. Some prefer to work through lunch and garner the overtime or simply finish their work and then return home. The liberal NPR commentator I listened to on this issue "moaned over her microphone" and worried aloud whether "these immigrant, new arrival and marginal workers had the good sense to know when to stop and to take care of themselves."

This is typical paternalism that black and poor and new immigrant people experience from the liberal SP community. It always seems to think that it "knows what is best" for people in the margins even though many in its ranks have never done anything more taxing to earn a living than carry a picket sign. The complaint was filed by rank and file marginal workers who objected to being forced by their employers to take a lunch break, often with the employer penalizing those who did not take lunch by not paying them for working through lunch.

Secondly the cultural and ideological arrogance of the SPs and liberals against what marginal people believe is one major reason why marginal people have little use for what they/we are saying. Most of us in the margins believe that Zen is bastardized when it is used as a mantra for "peace" in the absence of justice or financial and social success through "mindfulness."

We in the margins believe that Taoists writings were not meant to be reified for the good of efficient business practices, that the Bible is the inspired Word of God from Genesis 1:1 to Revelation 22:21 and that spirituality is not just "feeling good about oneself and one's community,” but having the ability to critique the same while crusading against injustice. It appears to many on the margins that SPs missed Jesus' words, "Physician heal thyself."

There is nothing in the traditional beliefs of marginal people that prevent us from fighting, working, praying and hoping that "justice will roll down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream." The left, SP and liberal community seem to be allergic to God, and hostile to Jesus (of whom they really do not appear to know much about at all), to ignore Muhammad completely, willing to modify Siddhartha and Krishna, and refuse to understand the nuances of the Jain, the Sikh, the Orthodox view of anything.

In the name of tolerance, the SPs creed is "We will tolerate a point of view as long as it does not conflict with our view of tolerating, modifying, ameliorating and negotiating any truth that stands in the way of our RECENT contemporary ideological framework." SPs fail to understand that the ridicule and denigration of another person’s faith is also a ridicule and denigration of their personhood.

Black people in America know that GOD was for us and with us when no one, government or private enterprise, liberal or conservative, enfranchisers or suffragists, capitalists or socialists, union or free market labor, Christian, Jew or Atheists--supported us. No progressive, north or south, from 1492 to 1945 with the exception of Maury Maverick of Texas and First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt, stood against the daily genocide and exclusion of blacks in America. Many churches and synagogues profited from the slave trade. We wonder why the SPs want justice from Banks, mortgage companies, city governments and universities while "market values" in their communities remain high enough to keep US OUT and “Propositions” that they, their parents and their grandparents voted for, continue to keep our children out of the schools they now protest.

I recently participated in a night walk in Richmond against gun violence. There were seven actual residents (out of more than 100) and persons of color who lived in Richmond who showed up for the action. My SP sisters and brothers (Western-European ethnic Americans with one exception) huddled together as a group, barely returned greetings to us, and went on talking to each other about their great progressive agenda.

It was clear that we Black and Latino(a) sisters and brothers were "potted plants" in their great drama. Among that group only the mayor and one city councilman lived in Richmond. For the Next Night Walk, half as many Richmond residents showed up. As a new resident I realized that the majority of Richmond residents had enough sense to know they were not really welcomed or wanted in this great stride to bring peace and safety to their city.

Black, Brown Red and Yellow Americans are suspect of those who believe in no God, no entity, no culture, no idea, no epistemology higher than themselves and their own slant on life. All of us need what Amos called a "plumbline" to judge whether or not we are following the will of the universal Source and Force of Love and Life that brought all existence into being, or simply shadowing the dictates of our own cultural and social gods.

The Psalmist teaches, "God judges the 'gods'." If there is no God other than the gods of groups, races and tribes, be they secular, spiritual, material or ethereal, then we are subject to entities that are bound by our own limitations, our own journey our own understanding to the exclusion, negation or disregard of others.

I do not excuse my sisters and brothers in marginal communities in America. We need to be more critical of ideas and stop accepting them because some of our favorite "gospel preachers, evangelists and prosperity gurus" espouse them.

Jesus Christ is the Lord of my life. The Bible is the rule of faith and life and love for me. Yet I do not accept as fact that the Bible teaches against abortion and contraception, that it teaches that we must support Israel in the shameful walling of Palestinian people, accept its bulldozing of Palestinian homes and continue to base this support on our misinterpretation and ignorance of biblical eschatology.

I do not believe that the teaching of the whole Bible excludes gays and lesbians and trans-gender people, simply because in the Books of the Law of Moses, early Israel wanted to distinguish itself from the cultural and social practices of its neighbors. I do not accept the idea that America has some special divine destiny that separates it from and excludes it from the final decree and judgment of God against all human systems of government. But it is not my intent to debate any of that in this article.

Why am I being so stringent about this? Because I grow weary of hearing how "progressive" the SPs/liberals/leftists are and how "reactionary and conservative" Blacks and Latinos and Asians and immigrant communities are. This is a false dichotomy based on ignorance and spending too much time talking to text books and to each other. It ignores the class-ism, cultural-ism, ethnocentrism and chauvinism of too many that enjoy the privileges of white supremacy while giving lip service to the contrary.

The aforementioned behaviors alienate many would-be allies who long to see the prophetic words they read in the Bible and the Koran and the Baghavad Gita and Sanskrit come alive through action in their contexts. The Devil is indeed a great deceiver and it is time for SPs to flee self-deception if progressive change is really what is in view.

Want to change the world? Get better acquainted with it and love it as you find it.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

God's Expectations on Earth's Resources

"If a person you make a loan to is poor, do not keep the collateral for the loan over an extended period. Return this item or amount immediately so that the poor person may have use of it. Then he will thank you, and it will be regarded as A RIGHTEOUS ACT IN THE SIGHT OF THE LORD YOUR GOD (Deuteronomy 23:12-13, paraphr
ased NIV))."

"Do not take advantage of an employee who is poor and needy, making their work difficult with excessive regulations and limited benefits, whether an Israelite or someone ethnically and racially different living among you. Pay the wages promptly and regularly without complications and gimmicks, because the poor live from paycheck to paycheck (Deuteronomy 23:14-15, paraphrased NIV)."

"When you are amassing your profits, set aside some for those who are on the margins of life, for the ethnically and racially different, for the children of single mothers and single fathers and for the women and men themselves, so that THE LORD YOUR GOD MAY BLESS YOU IN ALL THAT YOU DO (Deuteronomy 23:19, paraphrased NIV)."

"He who listens to you, listens to me (Jesus); he who rejects you rejects me; but he who rejects me rejects God who sent me (Luke 10:16)."

Nuff said!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Do Not Tolerate Poverty

"However there should be no poor among you. For in the land the Lord your God is giving you to possess as your inheritance, he will richly bless you, if only you fully obey the Lord your God . . . (Deuteronomy 15:4-5)."

Amazingly I shared this with a church leader last week and she responded, "you must be a socialist." We
were discussing the greed and exploitation that the oil companies (with the assistance of Congress and the Supreme Court) continue to inflict on the American consumers. One of the things I have learned these past six years is that when you attempt to be faithful to the One who is unconditional love apart from faithfulness to His Word, you will come under the influence of deceptive spirits. These spirits have captured the minds of many American Christians causing us to live with a false consciousness and many delusions.

The Word of God is very clear on the subject of poverty. Jesus said that those who followed him must not only adhere to this Word (the Hebrew Bible) but to the "spirit of the law" as well. So verse one of this chapter begins, "At the end of seven years you must cancel all debts." Verse seven reads, "If there is a poor man among you. . . do not be hardhearted or tightfisted. . . ." Verse eight continues, "Rather be openhanded and freely lend him whatever he needs." Verse ten concludes the matter, "Give generously to him and do so without a grudging heart; then because of this the Lord your God will bless you in all your work and in everything that you put your hand to."

This is not good capitalism--neither is it necessarily socialism. It is faithful discipleship. Those who follow God are not only held accountable for these commandments, but are promised a blessing in everything that you put your hand to." Those who have paid off Congress to keep student loan rates high, who think a free college and graduate school education for all who qualify is unthinkable, to bristle at paying any tax dollars to support free national health care--and claim to be followers of Jesus of Nazareth, the incarnation of God's unconditional love--are deluding themselves, and robbing the community of faith of its real power and blessing. God is watching and will hold us accountable for our spiritual captivity to the god of greed.