Monday, February 27, 2012

The injustice of the racialization of the crack epidemic

One-Year Bible, 2/27-"The wicked lie in wait for the righteous, seeking their very lives; but the Lord will not leave them in their power or let them be condemned when brought to trial (Psalm 37:31-33)."

Yesterday I viewed this video, and was disturbed to be reminded of the large number of African and Hispanic American young adults who languish in our prisons because of unfair drug sentencing 100-1 (crack verses powered cocaine violations). It is even more unjust because it was the Reagan contras (Ollie North has a TV program where he is unapologetic) under the CIA, then led by George H. W. Bush. that facilitated the entry of cocaine into Southern California in the early 1980s and which in turn fueled the crack epidemic.

Nevertheless, the Psalmist reminds us that we must not give up--we must not become discouraged. We must work to bring President Obama's revised 13-1 sentencing formula-(thanks for your valiant attempt to rectify the injustice Mr. President) sentencing down to 1-1. The racialization of the crack epidemic was also a strong factor in this sentencing and war on black and Hispanic youth also facilitated and funded by the two President's mentioned, to justify mass incarcerations of black youth.

The Lord will be with us in the court room, on the streets, in the Congress in the State House and on the internet as we seek to rectify this injustice and bring these young failed business men and women out of the criminal "just-us" system to lead productive lives. They will need OUR-(THIS MEANS EVERYONE) guidance and support as they use their business skills to build meaningful legal enterprises.

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