These are highlights and excerpts are from a sermon delivered by Rev. Donald Guest, Pastor of Easter Hill United Methodist Church in Richmond, CA. If you would like to hear the entire sermon please contact Easter Hill at (510) 235-4226 and ask for a CD for the worship date. Or better yet, visit Easter Hill UMC every Sunday at 8AM or 10:30AM to hear The Word live.
From Sermon "The Colors of Love" - Sunday, January 6, 2013
Paul writes in verses 9-11:
God has sent me to enlighten all human beings. To make plain to them God's plan. The plan is that through the church, the complicated, many-sided wisdom of God in all its infinite variety, innumerable aspects might now be made known to the angelic rulers and authorities in the heavenly places. This was in accordance with God's eternal purpose, which he has carried out in Christ.
In 1 Peter 1:12 we read, that "the Holy Spirit, through the preaching of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, has announced things into which angels long to look."
It is a reminder that we as a church of Jesus Christ have a great opportunity. What we do and say can reveal what angels long to know. We are God's miracle. The miracle is that through us, God enables all varieties of human beings to experience love in their own color.
We know from the study of chromatics or color science that the color of an object depends on spectrum, illumination and reflective properties of a surface, as well as the angles of illumination and viewing. So what we see as a specific color may not be that color at all. So, the kind of light environment, the angle of illumination and the angle of vision all determine the color we think we actually see and perceive. Hence surface judgments are misleading. The wisdom of God is complicated, many-sided with infinite variety. God has different approaches for different people. None of us has been convinced of the truth of God in the same way, and none of us will. It is not our job to judge but to love.
We (Christians, followers of Jesus Christ) are the prisms through which God scatters the light of the Holy Spirit so that others can see love in their own color, from their own perspective. There are many colors of God's love because God's love is for all. God's love knows no bounds.
We have been given the wonderful opportunity to display the many colors of love through the prismatic light of God's Holy Spirit. It has attracted each of us, and will attract many more. Glory to God in the highest!