Studies in the Gospel of John #14
John 6:16-24; John 6:25-35
John 6:21 They were willing to take him into the boat, and immediately the boat reached the shore where they were heading.John 6: 29 Jesus answered, “
The work of God is this: to believe in the one God has sent.” 34. “Sir,” they said, “always give us this bread.” 35 Then Jesus declared
, “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never grow hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.’
How to Do the Impossible? How to overcome against all the odds? Most of us are familiar with the stories regarding Jesus’ walking on water. I want to suggest that while his walking on the water is indeed miraculous, in that it shows God’s ability to transcend the limitations placed on our human existence, that the real miracle is often missed.
Yes. Walking on the water is a miracle, but there is a more important miracle that takes place here, and it leads us to a more important truth. The disciples were rowing to the other side of the large lake known as “The Sea of Galilee” because of its depth and turbulence. All of the gospel writers tell this story, and Mark informs us that Jesus began to walk across the lake when he was that the disciples boat was in trouble. They had been rowing hard, but making no progress, because a strong gale wind had risen up, halting their movement toward the shore.
When Jesus walked up on them they cried out in fear. Matthew and Mark tell us the source of their terror. They thought he was an evil spirit. The people of Jesus’ time believed that the water was a domain of evil creatures, spirits, dragons and monsters. Because of its depth, there indeed may have been large marine creatures in that lake. Nevertheless, these beliefs were fear-based and mitigated against faith. But it was also believed that squalls and gales were products of demonic activity. So as the wind whipped up, they suddenly saw Jesus walking across the water and cried out in fear. They were afraid because even though it was Jesus coming toward them, they were blinded by fear. Jesus then spoke words of comfort to them, “It is I. Don’t be afraid.” John reports that with these words, “THEY WERE WILLING TO TAKE HIM INTO THE BOAT.”
This is the first miracle that occurs in the story. It is the miracle of FAITH OVER FEAR. The active engagement of our minds, our spirits, with God’s word brings the PEACE that FAITH gives to our souls. God’s Word, God’s speech through Jesus, dispelled their enslavement to fear-inducing myths and stories. With his WORDS, “BE NOT AFRAID. IT IS I,” they were given miraculous courage which followed an act of will. This was the second miracle that occurred on that Lake. Their WILLS CHANGED. They went from crying out in fear at his presence, to a WILLINGNESS TO TAKE JESUS INTO THE BOAT.
John does not tell us that Jesus ever had a chance to get into the boat, because AS SOON AS THEY WERE WILLING TO LET GO OF THEIR FEAR AND INVITE JESUS INTO THE BOAT, the BOAT REACHED THE SHORE WHERE THEY WERE HEADING.
Jesus may not have full access to your boat yet. There may be, and are, many areas of our lives where we have yet to surrender to the LORDSHIP OF JESUS CHRIST. God calls us to live lives of complete devotion and surrender, “Be perfect as God is in heaven.” “Seek to live and bring peace to all human beings, and holiness, without which no human being will experience God" (Hebrews 12:14).
When Jesus said, “Straight is the way and narrow is the gate that leads to life,” he was addressing the Jews, and reminding them that the abundant life, the victorious life, the life of blessing that every Hebrew was promised through Abraham, would not be experienced unless God’s presence was fully alive in their lives. THis required that they embrace "the spirit of the law" rather than just "the letter of the law" which is "the unconditional love of one's neighbor." He was reminding them and us, that the promise of God’s Spirit being poured out on all human beings was at hand, “When no one need say Know the Lord, for all shall know Him.”
Jesus also predicted that the “broad road” to a miserable life, devoid of peace, devoid of the security that comes—not from food, not from having things, not from avoiding difficulties, not from having a trouble-free existence, not from having perfect health—but from failing to put our whole trust in God through Jesus Christ, was already crowded. It is crowded by our fear and unwillingness to invite the Christ into our troubled boat on the restless, turbulent, trouble-filled and dangerous waves of life. This is not what God wants for us, and should not be the fate of those who have connected with Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.
The disciples were unaware that Jesus was watching them. They did not realize that he only began to walk across the lake when he was that they were stuck, rowing feverishly and furiously, and yet making no headway.
The Apostle Paul wrote to in his letter to the Philippian Church regarding overcoming turmoil, trouble and adversity:
“Not that I am preferring to being in need; for I have learned to be content with whatever I have. (12) I know what it is to have little, and I know what it is to have plenty. In any and all circumstances, I have learned the secret of being well-fed and of going hungry, or having plenty and being in need. (13) I can do all things through Him who strengthens me. (14) In any case, it was kind of you to share my distress (Philippians 4:11-14).
We often quote verse 13 without considering the full context of Paul’s statement. He is thanking the members of the Philippian church for a financial offering they have sent as salary for his labor as a preacher of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. But Paul gives a spiritual interpretation to both his needs, their supply of his needs, and what it is that really satisfies our total hunger as human beings.
The Bible does not promise the simplistic prosperity that so many preach of and flock to hear preached in today’s world. The Bible promises total prosperity—holistic spiritual--a mature faith-filled disposition in relation to all needs—body, mind and spirit—to those who walk in Christ, who live the victorious life in Christ, to those who can say as the apostle said in chapter 1:27-28, “Only live your life in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ . . . standing firm in one spirit, striving side by side with one mind for the faith of the gospel . . . not intimidated by opponents.” Then he goes on in verse 29, “for he has graciously granted you the privilege not only of believing in Christ, but of suffering for him as well--.
The disciples overcame their fear by taking Jesus into the boat. It is one thing to have faith in Christ for the salvation of our souls in the life to come. But if we would grow in faith, if we would grow in confidence, if we are to experience the total prosperity of God, body, mind and spirit, then we must take on the character of Christ. When we are willing to invite Jesus into our boat, to connect with Jesus regarding every aspect of our lives, the good and the bad, celebrations and disappointments--then we become Christ-like and have a mature disposition regarding joy and pain, suffering and celebration, success and failure, poverty and wealth.
It is then that we benefit from the blessings of our salvation, the gifts of the spirit, and we proclaim boldly, "I have learned to be content, to be at peace, to exercise complete trust in, reliance on, dependence on and courageous boldness with God in whatever state I find myself." It is then that we will discover the blessing of the complete security of living in the perfect will of God.
They learned to overcome their fear of the impossible. They learned to do the impossible, by taking Jesus into the boat. Spiritual prosperity means, I can be in need, I can be physically hungry, and yet I can do this through God who gives me strength through Jesus Christ my Lord.
I can be lonely. I can be sick. I can be unemployed. I can be impoverished. In whatever state I am in, I have learned to trust God. I have learned to rejoice when I suffer criticism and slander. I have learned to count it all joy when others have counted me out, because I have not just watched Jesus walk on water. I have not just been fed by him. I have not just been healed by him. I have taken him into my boat. I no longer seek him because I believe he will satisfy my physical needs, but am learning to live in communion with him, to live a life connected to him, which brings love, joy, peace and satisfaction, beyond anything I can imagine.
God has a perfect plan for our lives, total complete holistic prosperity. As those who embrace Christ as Savior and Lord, we have no business living in the broad way of destruction--misery, uncertainty, envy, anger, fear, hopelessness and nihilism.
God has enabled us, even when everything is crumbling around us, to live in the narrow way of life, the blessed condition of living beyond the challenges, the threats, the maladies, the darts, the onslaughts of Satan to body mind and spirit. God is not finished with us, but in Christ and through Christ, we are off to a good start. We still have the opportunity to abandon fear, and in faith to willingly invite Jesus into our boat. He will still the waves, and then WE CAN ROW OURSELVES peacefully to the golden shore that leads to life. Through faith, let it be so with both me and with you.