King David
asked Ziba, "Where is your master (Mephiboseth)?" Ziba said to him, "He
is staying in Jerusalem because he thinks, 'Today the house of Israel
will give me back my grandfather's kingdom.'" 2 Samuel 16:3.
Because David had loved Jonathan, the son of Saul, he was heartbroken by
his death. In his compassion for his lost friend, he asked... his advisers one day, "Is there anyone left of the household of Saul to whom I can show kindness for Jonathan's sake.
Now the Word of God that came to the prophet Samuel concerning Saul had been clear. God had rejected Saul and his offspring. Neither Saul nor any of his ancestry would continue in the royal line. Saul was to be totally cut off. God demonstrated the folly of peaceful co-existence with any of Saul's offspring, for as soon as David began to reign as king, civil war broke out with Ishbosheth, son of Saul challenging David;s rule over Israel. Ishbosheth later died in battle, but now again, David sought to placate and appease what in fact was his own false guilt.
It was not David who had determined that Saul would be cut off, it was God. God had decreed that David would become king and that there would be no end to his rule. God would use King David to complete his comprehensive plan of redemption for the world through this one man. Not even Samuel the priest was convinced of this at first, for when he went to the household of Jesse to choose a new king as God had directed him, he saw the tall handsome men, David's older brothers, and thought, "Surely these are the ones God has chosen." But after making this mistake in judgment three times God said to Samuel:
Do not consider . . . appearance or height, for I have rejected
them. The Lord does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord (YHWH) looks at the heart (1 Samuel 16:7).
Now as David faced a challenge from his own son Absalom, Mephibosheth, the grandson of King Saul, whom David had shown mercy and kindness too, even allowing him the privileges of his sons, the royal princes, waited in Jerusalem for David and Absalom to kill each other so that he could resume the royal line of his grandfather Saul. David's intentions were good. He was compassionate, forgiving, generous to a fault, loving--all the things God calls on the children of God to be.
But King David created problems for himself that he did not need to have, because he trusted his own good intentions, his own intellect, his own creativity, apart from adherence to and reliance upon the divine decrees and direction of God. God had said to Samuel and to David, and even King Saul had said to David, "the kingdom is being taken from Saul (me) and given to you."
This is not a popular message, but one we wrestled with our group session this evening. "Obedience is better than sacrifice." Before this, the prophet Nathan had to chastise David because he wanted to build "a house for God." Nathan had said, "You are the king, do whatever the Lord has put on your heart." The problen was that God had not put this on David's heart. It was a good idea to him. He thought, "I have a great house. God needs a house."
But God's answer was clear, "I took you when you were just a small boy tending sheep. I led Israel through the wilderness and they have survived and will survive because I have chosen them to fulfill my unconditional promise to Abraham. So how will you build a house for me?"
David was playing God. When we seek to relieve people of the logical and moral consequences of their behavior, we are not helping them. We are enabling them. Having been an enabler on many occasions, I am familiar with the arguments that must have ruminated in King David's mind as Nathan reproached him, and as he learned that Mephibosheth and his sons Amnon and Absalom had interpreted his kindness as weakness. The prophet Nathan sought the Lord and God had an idea that was contrary to King David's plan.
In this dispensation of the Christ, the Spirit of God has been given to us to guide us into all truth. It shows us new things as well as illuminates old ones, but the mind of God (God's Word+God's Spirit) must never be taken lightly and dis-missed in favor of our own minds, even when what it says seems to contradict the character and nature of who the Spirit has shown God to be.
As the Prophet Samuel had warned Israel when they decided that they needed a king, David as king too often assumed to know what God wanted without having really checked it out with God. Our best intentions can lead to much pain, regret and hardship. I am reminded of Kevin Spacey's fictitious "dragnet" character in the movie "L. A. Confidential," when he says, "Just the facts Jack." Of course "the facts" are not always so clear, but God has given us what we need to discern truth. We must remember to use these resources faithfully and carefully, so that our best intentions will not carry us far afield from the reality God would have us live.
Isaiah's three chapter preface to his messianic prophecies begins with these words. If they are taken seriously, perhaps more of us will reconsider the claims of Jesus of Nazareth whom I and many others embrace as Lord and Christ.
Isaiah 55:8-9
8 “For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
neither are your ways my ways,”
declares the Lord.
9 “As the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are my ways higher than your ways
and my thoughts than your thoughts.
Peace out,
Now the Word of God that came to the prophet Samuel concerning Saul had been clear. God had rejected Saul and his offspring. Neither Saul nor any of his ancestry would continue in the royal line. Saul was to be totally cut off. God demonstrated the folly of peaceful co-existence with any of Saul's offspring, for as soon as David began to reign as king, civil war broke out with Ishbosheth, son of Saul challenging David;s rule over Israel. Ishbosheth later died in battle, but now again, David sought to placate and appease what in fact was his own false guilt.
It was not David who had determined that Saul would be cut off, it was God. God had decreed that David would become king and that there would be no end to his rule. God would use King David to complete his comprehensive plan of redemption for the world through this one man. Not even Samuel the priest was convinced of this at first, for when he went to the household of Jesse to choose a new king as God had directed him, he saw the tall handsome men, David's older brothers, and thought, "Surely these are the ones God has chosen." But after making this mistake in judgment three times God said to Samuel:
Do not consider . . . appearance or height, for I have rejected
them. The Lord does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord (YHWH) looks at the heart (1 Samuel 16:7).
Now as David faced a challenge from his own son Absalom, Mephibosheth, the grandson of King Saul, whom David had shown mercy and kindness too, even allowing him the privileges of his sons, the royal princes, waited in Jerusalem for David and Absalom to kill each other so that he could resume the royal line of his grandfather Saul. David's intentions were good. He was compassionate, forgiving, generous to a fault, loving--all the things God calls on the children of God to be.
But King David created problems for himself that he did not need to have, because he trusted his own good intentions, his own intellect, his own creativity, apart from adherence to and reliance upon the divine decrees and direction of God. God had said to Samuel and to David, and even King Saul had said to David, "the kingdom is being taken from Saul (me) and given to you."
This is not a popular message, but one we wrestled with our group session this evening. "Obedience is better than sacrifice." Before this, the prophet Nathan had to chastise David because he wanted to build "a house for God." Nathan had said, "You are the king, do whatever the Lord has put on your heart." The problen was that God had not put this on David's heart. It was a good idea to him. He thought, "I have a great house. God needs a house."
But God's answer was clear, "I took you when you were just a small boy tending sheep. I led Israel through the wilderness and they have survived and will survive because I have chosen them to fulfill my unconditional promise to Abraham. So how will you build a house for me?"
David was playing God. When we seek to relieve people of the logical and moral consequences of their behavior, we are not helping them. We are enabling them. Having been an enabler on many occasions, I am familiar with the arguments that must have ruminated in King David's mind as Nathan reproached him, and as he learned that Mephibosheth and his sons Amnon and Absalom had interpreted his kindness as weakness. The prophet Nathan sought the Lord and God had an idea that was contrary to King David's plan.
In this dispensation of the Christ, the Spirit of God has been given to us to guide us into all truth. It shows us new things as well as illuminates old ones, but the mind of God (God's Word+God's Spirit) must never be taken lightly and dis-missed in favor of our own minds, even when what it says seems to contradict the character and nature of who the Spirit has shown God to be.
As the Prophet Samuel had warned Israel when they decided that they needed a king, David as king too often assumed to know what God wanted without having really checked it out with God. Our best intentions can lead to much pain, regret and hardship. I am reminded of Kevin Spacey's fictitious "dragnet" character in the movie "L. A. Confidential," when he says, "Just the facts Jack." Of course "the facts" are not always so clear, but God has given us what we need to discern truth. We must remember to use these resources faithfully and carefully, so that our best intentions will not carry us far afield from the reality God would have us live.
Isaiah's three chapter preface to his messianic prophecies begins with these words. If they are taken seriously, perhaps more of us will reconsider the claims of Jesus of Nazareth whom I and many others embrace as Lord and Christ.
Isaiah 55:8-9
8 “For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
neither are your ways my ways,”
declares the Lord.
9 “As the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are my ways higher than your ways
and my thoughts than your thoughts.
Peace out,